Flashin and smashin.

Goods McCarther @sleeeeep

Age 92, Male

Chompin champ


Dark Tower

Joined on 3/22/03

Exp Points:
1,571 / 1,600
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5.45 votes
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sleeeeep's News

Posted by sleeeeep - April 14th, 2011

time to save money to get flash again.

Posted by sleeeeep - March 16th, 2010

Seattle comic con was a gooden. I got to shake Stan Lees hand. Meet Lou Forigno. Lots of artists and writers from Marvel. And even Joe Quesada was there taking quetions from anyone who had one. Bought some good art for my walls. There was even a dude dressed as Quail-Man. So naturally i had my picture taken with him. It was a great event. One day im going to save up some cash and do the San Diago Comic Con!

Sea Comic Con 2010 was awesome

Posted by sleeeeep - January 28th, 2010

all summer long.

Posted by sleeeeep - January 6th, 2010

My computer is stiiiill dead. So i cant do anything flash related. Christmas is come and gone leaving me broke so getting a new computer will be some time. All i have is this laptop. All my sound files, sprites, my music/sound editor is also on there not to mention FLASH is too. Its super stinky when i have alot of ideas for new movies and nothing to do with em but jot em down on paper. BUT the good news is my friends getting me a wacom tablet so i can now ditch the mouse when drawing... that is when i get my new computer. SOOOOON.

Also ive fallen back into WoW. But im starting to get tired of that too. Can't wait for Star Wars The Old Rebublic. I hope its so differant from WoW. Anyone else going to play that game? what class are you going to be. I think im going to be Bounty Hunter... if not that then Imperial Agent. Now i have to shutup so i can go drive to WalMart and spend this gift card on a 3 month time card for Xbox LIVE. Left 4 Dead 2 is calling my name once more. If anyone wants to play me my Gamer Tag is Goods McCarther later jerks

Posted by sleeeeep - July 31st, 2009



Posted by sleeeeep - July 1st, 2009

Even though participating in the Hero Collab ruined my thing i had going with my list of movies. ( They all started with S's) I joined it anyways because i love making Comic book related flash movies. So now that the the Hero Collab is done, and seeing how people liked it. Were coming back with another collab. Villains! And this time around we learned from our past mistakes and i think this new collab should be amazing. Im pretty excited about this one, even more so then the Hero Collab. Also if you read my last post im scrapping my terminator movie because i finally saw it and it wasnt as great as i thought it would be. I would love to do a Transformers movie but i lack the skills to do it. I for some reason cannot draw robots. Anyways i cannot wait to share this movie when its done with everyone!

Also go watch, Review & vote on the hero collab!
The Hero Collab

Villains UNITE!

Posted by sleeeeep - May 9th, 2009

Hello! From what i heard the Star trek movie is pretty good even for people who have never even seen a single episode of Star Trek like myself. But more importantly the NEW Terminator movie is almost here. And in the spirit of this wonderful event i will be starting on a Terminator flash.

As of yet i dont know if it will be just a stand alone mini story or a series but so far im leaning towards just a single movie. Mainly because i still have a series that i need to finish. and here for your viewing pleasure i conjointed twin terminators!

EDIT: saw the terminator movie... meh. I dont think ill be doing the flash now... lost my drive.

Conjointed terminator twins!?

Posted by sleeeeep - April 6th, 2009

Hello friens, i was wondering if there was anyone out there that would wanna help me on my next movie. Now my drawings arent the best but i can draw decently enough. But i have zero skills in drawing background of any kind.

So if theres anyone out there that wants to collaberate with me on my next movie and draw me some backgrounds for my next "Superhero Throwdown" movie. Some background of biuldings and city shots to go along with my movie. If not i guess il have to make my own which are pretty much rectangles with blue squares for windows.

Anyways anyone interested lemme know, thanks

Posted by sleeeeep - October 14th, 2008

I have many !Smartz!
