My computer is stiiiill dead. So i cant do anything flash related. Christmas is come and gone leaving me broke so getting a new computer will be some time. All i have is this laptop. All my sound files, sprites, my music/sound editor is also on there not to mention FLASH is too. Its super stinky when i have alot of ideas for new movies and nothing to do with em but jot em down on paper. BUT the good news is my friends getting me a wacom tablet so i can now ditch the mouse when drawing... that is when i get my new computer. SOOOOON.
Also ive fallen back into WoW. But im starting to get tired of that too. Can't wait for Star Wars The Old Rebublic. I hope its so differant from WoW. Anyone else going to play that game? what class are you going to be. I think im going to be Bounty Hunter... if not that then Imperial Agent. Now i have to shutup so i can go drive to WalMart and spend this gift card on a 3 month time card for Xbox LIVE. Left 4 Dead 2 is calling my name once more. If anyone wants to play me my Gamer Tag is Goods McCarther later jerks
I care.